Monday, September 30, 2019

My Week as a Room-Service Waiter at the Ritz – Customer Service that Puts the “Ritz” in Ritzy

The phrase â€Å"the customer is never wrong,† has been attributed to Cesar Ritz, the founder of the Ritz-Carlton empire. Needless to say, the man knew from customer service. How does this luxury hotel keep its customers content—and coming back?Paul Hemp, a senior editor at Harvard Business Review, stepped into the shoes of a Ritz-Carlton room-service waiter to find out. One observation: Empowering your employees to provide top-notch customer service is not enough. You must also inspire them to exercise that power. by Paul Hemp  Reflecting on the experienceOne element of the Ritz-Carlton training is a follow-up session, known as Day 21. It typically takes place about three weeks after the initial orientation. The aim is to review the Gold Standards after new employees have had a chance to put them into practice. Though I didn't work the full twenty-one days, I sit in on the half-day session (which, amidst the frenzy of the hotel's early months, actually takes place on the 49th day after our orientation). Training director Tim Kirkpatrick starts with another mock lineup.He discusses the new-employee job certification test that department managers should have administered. He announces a new guest recognition hotline, which employees can use to call in guest preferences. And he unveils an updated version of the company's principles, now in the form of a three-dimensional pyramid. This supplements the existing Gold Standards with an additional category of seven â€Å"key success factors. † But for staff to delight customers, managers must do more than grant their employees the freedom to do what is necessary; they must motivate employees to exercise that freedom.— Paul Hemp Employees are asked about their experiences on the job. Erin Garrity, the new front-desk clerk from Johnson & Wales, is disappointed she has been assigned the overnight shift but looks on the bright side. â€Å"I get to see a lot of celebrities† at that time , she says. Her goal for the year is to be named one of the hotel's select five-star employees, and she intends to continue being the â€Å"friendliest person I can be. † John Rolfs reinforces his message from orientation that our sole job is to â€Å"make guests feel good so they come back.â€Å"The hotel's 320 employees have countless interactions with guests, he says, and it takes just one interaction to make a guest feel bad. â€Å"If you're thinking about doing your job well, trying to understand and master your day-to-day routines but not thinking about how guests feel, they'll have a difficult time forgiving you. They'll probably forgive us if the air-conditioning fails. But they won't forgive us for failing to make them feel good—because that's why they selected Ritz-Carlton. † Tim's final announcement concerns the results of the first monthly Gallup survey of Ritz-Carlton guests, released to managers earlier that day.The Ritz-Carlton/Boston Common lea ds the company's hotels in overall customer satisfaction. There is a stunned silence—after all, this is a new hotel still smoothing out the rough spots—followed by loud applause. As I leave the hotel and walk across the Boston Common in the gathering dusk, I reflect on what I've learned about teaching and motivating employees to provide truly memorable service. One thing seems clear. Great customer service should be based on dynamic principles rather than a rigid formula.You don't demand that employees say, â€Å"Certainly, my pleasure,† until it feels right to them. You don't mindlessly assume every guest wants to be pampered; some people just want to eat their dinners. I also ponder Ritz-Carlton's efforts to win the hearts and minds of its employees by, for example, making them feel part of a proud heritage. A recent study of hotel workers by researchers at Cornell's School of Hotel Administration found that, while job satisfaction plays a major role in employ ee retention, it isn't the key factor in a hotel's ability to provide excellent customer service.Rather, it is employees' emotional commitment—which is achieved in part through symbols and rituals that enhance employees' sense of identity with the company—that contributes most to superior performance. Ritz Carlton certainly has an unusually rich tradition to draw on in creating that feeling of identity. But every company, even a two-year-old startup, has traditions and even legends that can be tapped to help build employee commitment. Great customer service should be based on dynamic principles rather than a rigid formula.— Paul Hemp That kind of commitment serves as a driver of excellent customer service only when employees are empowered to take initiative. And that sort of empowerment has no potency unless employees are motivated to seize it. I am haunted by my failure to point out the confusing bin numbers on the hotel wine list, which led my guest to mistake nly order that half-bottle of burgundy. Certainly, I was encouraged during my time at the hotel to point out problems that needed fixing. Why didn't I follow through in this case? I'm not sure.But for staff to delight customers, managers must do more than grant their employees the freedom to do what is necessary; they must motivate employees to exercise that freedom. Doing that depends in part on the kinds of people you hire. Ritz-Carlton has an elaborate system for assessing in job candidates the qualities the company believes are crucial to its success. One night while I was working at the hotel, I went through the basic interview to see how I'd do. I was fairly confident I was just the sort of caring, conscientious person the Ritz was looking for.In fact, though, even after fudging my answers to a few questions, I got only ten points out of a possible fifteen in the composite hospitality assessment. Tim said that wasn't bad—†though, honestly, we'd shoot for someone w ith a twelve. † I later discovered that I fell short in my response to a question asking me to cite an instance when I took care of someone else. I said I'd often provided emotional support to my sister during tough times. But the company was looking for something more than this, an â€Å"extraordinary† example of caring. â€Å"Helping your sister? You better,† Tim said with a laugh.â€Å"Now, if you'd moved out of your house for a month and let her move in, that would be different. † Since instituting its candidate assessment system in 1991, Ritz Carlton says it has reduced its annual turnover rate from 55%, roughly the industry average, to 28%. Certainly, a genuine concern for the well-being of guests is key to providing superior customer service. But that isn't enough to truly anticipate customer needs. Another component of the Ritz Carlton's hospitality assessment is empathy—being able to imagine guests' emotional responses to their experience i n the hotel.I am reminded of Steve's care in preparing the champagne setting for the newlyweds that night and how he thought back to his grandparents' wedding seventy-five years before. To truly achieve empathy, however, I wonder if you need to jettison at least some of your personal perspective. One of John Rolfs's comments during the Day 21 session—about the dangers of employees focusing solely on the successful fulfillment of their duties—resonated with my experience as a waiter.If you're constantly assessing how well you're doing in your job—even in your genuine efforts to satisfy guests—you, not the guest, become the point of reference. Your self-consciousness, natural though it may be, distracts you from providing superior service. It's getting dark. And this train of thought risks hurtling far beyond the practical demands of a frenetic evening of room service. But, when you get down to it, my musings don't seem all that far from the Ritz-Carlton ph ilosophy.Companies dedicated to providing what might be called â€Å"extreme† customer service may need to recognize that—like great military, government, or religious service—it is, in the end, a truly selfless endeavor. They may need to establish such practices as the formal inculcation of a customer-centered credo. They might even consider providing workers with a weeklong immersion in the experience of being a customer! Whatever the means, the aim would be getting employees to leave their egos at the door and adopt the mind-set of the people they're serving.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Problem Solving & Decision Making Techniques Essay

Over the past nine weeks of working in our home groups, we have entered and exited several problem solving and decision making processes. Although we have produced some good solutions, the overall process could be improved. In order to make our group more successful in implementing our chosen solutions we need to : improve on problem solving and decision making techniques, using discussion questions effectively with consideration of conflict management styles in the group. Applying these principles can help achieve true group consensus and increase the groups productivity. In accordance with the functional theory, five task requirements must be met in order to guarantee success. Our group needs improvement in 3 of 5 of the task requirements: discussing and creating criteria, identifying alternatives, and thoroughly evaluating alternative ( strengths and weaknesses) based on criteria. To refocus the group on improving our execution of the task requirements associated with functional theory, I hypothesize that PMOPS and PERT would be highly effective. PMOPS, acronym for procedural model of problem solving, is a flexible guideline that leads through phases of problem solving process. We must also improve our review process of procedures and proposed final decision. The use of systematic problem solving procedures, like PMOPS, keeps groups of point. This type of procedure makes sure group doesn’t miss any vital steps, which aids in producing effective solutions. As a group we need to create and rank our criteria, based on importance to group members. Clarifying what is important to individual group members fosters group satisfaction and provides insight to personal values. To the identify other alternatives, the use of critical thinking strategies can be effective for example: brainstorming and problem mapping. As we move through the decision making process and begin proposing solutions, a member should be listing all that are discussed. Often there are too many options to be thoroughly discussed due to time constraints. When encountered with the issue of time, narrowing the list of solutions becomes paramount. Some of the solutions may be similar, and therefore can be combined. If combining doesn’t eliminate enough options, we can take a vote on which are most favored. Voting, as a process of elimination, could assist members who are less verbal in stating their opinion (Nancy and  Albert). However, charting pros and cons can be a more effective and objective procees of elimination. All options need to be assessed for meeting out criteria. we seldom establish criteria at the start of a discussion, or follow through with any of the previously mentioned techniques. After selecting a solution we must implement it, preferably in my opinion, using PERT. † Pert helps do this by as king those responsible for implementation to makes a chart showing deadline dates for completion of various tasks and the names of individuals or groups responsible† (Adams, 2012). We can also improve our decision making process by effectively using discussion questions, to unearth true nature of problem/charge. Discussion questions allow the group to locate a solution, for problem, question, or issue, that focuses on what â€Å"should† be done. The use of vague or limiting question s could be stifling production of alternatives. † As an impact variable, the discussion question has a far-reaching effect on the systems throughput process and its subsequent output. We should try to avoid using either-or structure and including answers in questions. This is a manipulative ploy that is often used in our group, especially by me. Also using ambiguous or double-barreled vernacular can mislead or confuse the group. I am also a perpetrator of this, often used to persuade opposing members. Thoroughly discussing the problem also keeps group from becoming solution minded prematurely. My group often does this, jumping headfirst in deciding on a solution. We completely skip evaluating a generating alternatives. This can limit options that may be more beneficial for the group to perform better. PMOPS and other systematic procedures my correct this frequent group behavior. Putting to use the different conflict management styles in the group could possibly aid in our reducing the time used during our decision making process. If we better understand the styles in play we can become more cohesive and increase member involvement. Our group is seemingly fairly cohesive, but lack of member involvement (Albert and Nancy) possibly prove otherwise. Their lack of involvement, avoidance style, limits their input of opinions. So we cannot be absolutely sure where they stand and if they agree with decisions. Christina exhibits some avoidance, as it relates to conflict, and switches to collaborative style to eventually referee lengthy arguments. Mason usually takes on a competitive style, usually arguing adamantly and proposing supportive evidence for his  arguments. When this becomes fleeting, he turns to a more collaborative style to meet his needs. I was observed to be quite competitive until stalemate is reached, and the transition into an accommodating style is used to reach a consensus. I have assessed the problem solving and decision making processes my group most readily uses, as well as flaws in its execution. Our group could really benefit from the use of systematic problem solving procedures like, PMOPS and PERT. Coming to the realization that discussion questions are important, has influenced me to use them in discussion. They are necessary for clarifying the problem and coming up with the best possible solutions. With that being said; understanding and proper application of our conflict management styles will aid in all areas needing improvement. Bibliography Adams , K. , Galanes , G. (2012). Communicating in groups: Applications and skills New York: McGraw-Hill. Larson , C. E. , Lafasto , F. M. J. , (1989). TeamWork: What Must Go Right, What Can Go Wrong. Newbury Park: Sage.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Disease processes Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disease processes - Lab Report Example Prothrombin test is most common to use for monitoring in oral anticoagulant therapy Warfarin and related coumarins. The PT responds to reduction of three of the four vitamin K-dependent procoagulant clotting factors (II, VII, and X). This PT test gauges the time or period of reaction of Plasma to Thromboplastin and Ca++ that results to Fibrin Clot. The INR value is calculated from the patient's coagulation time. However, the ISI value is included in the calculation. The manufacturer calculates the ISI value (International Sensitivity Index) by comparison to an international standard thromboplastin. This way, the different sensitivities of reagents available in the market are compensated. Our result of INR 1.1 and PI% 90.9 is comparable and consistent with results of all other groups which ranges between 0.9 and 1.1 and it is also quiet comparable and consistent with the class mean result for INR and PI index. 6. Examine the ten results listed on page 4. These results were obtained when single quality control plasma (taken from the same bottle) was tested ten times. Are there any interesting features apparent with these results Do you think these results are acceptable The mean INR value for the results is 3.07,two readings i.e 2.6 and 2.0 are quiet distant from the mean and comp

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discharge and planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Discharge and planning - Essay Example admitted to the ward due to chest pain which is an indication of complete or partial disruption of arterial blood flow to the myocardium (Dowd 2007, p. 251). Mr. Brown will use an informal care package. The informal care package depends on informal care providers as the givers of important support such as personal assistance, nursing and help with daily chores (Da Roit 2010, p. 83). In this kind of a care package, the family members play the biggest role in taking care of the patient. Mr. Brown will depend on his two children living nearby for care, who will be assisted by supplementary informal assistants. The social services and paid assistants can complement the informal assistants. The ischemia heart disease package of care is the most appropriate for Mr. Brown’s case. The package of care states that efficient intervention and prevention strategies rely on the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and basic care needs. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs includes pain relief, social support, sleep, nutrition, hydration and oxygenation. Also, the Maslow’s needs include prevention of adverse medical response, environmental comfort and cognitive stimulation. The best management package for Mr. Brown will comprise of control of the hypertension to avoid pressure overload on the ventricle (Henein 2010, p.10). The antihypertensive medication is the correct treatment for hypertension. In addition, the chest pain and shortness of breath will be managed to minimise the occurrences of heart attacks and pain management. The patient will be given assistance to be able to participate in hobbies as a way of exercise (NHS Choices 2014, para 18). Discharge planning is the component of continuity of care procedure that is created to prepare the patient for the nest level of care. It also helps in making the significant plans for the care whether it may be care by an organised health care provider, self-care or care by family. The discharge planning is an affair involving

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Deforestation and the effects on the environment with philosophical Case Study

Deforestation and the effects on the environment with philosophical theoretical issues - Case Study Example The specific social changes that are responsible for most of the environmental degradation are linked with rapid population growth, the proliferation of national and international trade leading to opening up of more markets due to increased demand and hunger for profits and major changes in land tenure systems that lead to the concentration of land. Traditional mechanisms were aimed at sustainable use of the environment. Since the days of the early man, nature was what guided man (Dharam, 1994). In fact, for the first civilization to exist, they had to adapt to the environment. Much has changed since those days as today, the reverse is true. Human beings no longer seek to adapt to the environment but rather seek for the environment to adapt to their needs. The insatiable need for energy has led to massive deforestation, mining and the use of unclean energy sources. These facts have led to the current infamous conditions generally referred to as global warming that is accelerated by t he emission of greenhouse gases into the environment (Gardiner, 2004). The trend does not seem reversible in the near future as there are very few viable alternatives to those causing harm to the environment and which humans can harness to the same magnitude as the unclean sources. The hunger for more energy is not the sole cause of environmental degradation. On the contrary, social inequalities on the lines of influence, material wealth and gender have been mentioned as part of the contributors to this dangerous trend. Environmental deterioration is not a light matter. In fact, there are numerous numbers of people who bear the blunt for the damage done to the environment. These effects may be manifested in the health, livelihood and well-being of the victims. Pollution and natural resource depletion can be in terms of soil erosion which robs the soil of its mineral contents and renders it infertile hence unable to sustain plants, deforestation which entails the cutting down of the very vegetation that is responsible for the purification of air and formation of rainfall and the depletion of both plant and animal species which inadvertently occasions an imbalance in different ecosystems (Munasinghe, 1993). When these occurrences happen, people are forced to change their ways in a bid to adapting to the new conditions. Consumption and production patterns are affected. The changes that lead people to change their income generating activities, to migrate and reorganize their entire livelihoods ultimately lead to the change in social structures (Vivian & Ghimire, 1990). The transformations usually have a ripple effect on other societies and the result is that more pressure is put on the existing natural resources. For example, a family that is dependent on electrical energy for their domestic usage in rural areas and who experience a dip in their disposable income will be forced to result to more economic sources of energy. This might lead them to adopt firewood an d coal as their primary source of fuel. Naturally, these alternatives are part of the environment and as such, more pressure on the already dwindling natural resources. Discussion Many people simply refer to deforestation as the depletion of forests. The Food and Agriculture Organization which is a department of the United Nations refers to deforestation as â€Å"complete clearing of tree formations (closed or open) and their replacement

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pepsi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Pepsi - Research Paper Example The next unit is PepsiCo Asia, Middle East, and Africa (MEA), that includes all snacks, beverages, and food businesses in the region. Lastly, there is Pepsi Europe that includes all snacks, beverages, and food businesses in Europe. The company units comprise of the six segments: AMEA, FLNA, LAF, QFNA, PAB, and Europe. Operations of the company are in United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, and Mexico, with headquarters in Purchase, New York, in the US. Recent acquisitions by the company include complete acquisition of Pepsi Bottling Company in February 2010, and Mabel in Brazil (Mabel produces snacks, cookies, and crackers). Environmental Uncertain PepsiCo lacks vital information concerning the environment, specifically those elements with which the company interacts with like its stakeholders, the population, and others. The most crucial external factor that affects the company is competition from its rival, the Coca Cola Company. Other factors include economic force that inc orporate economic cycles and inflation, political changes in its operation region, regulations changes, technology, and social changes. Pepsi Co Environmental risk expectations PEP acknowledges the stiff competition from rival Coca Cola, which is threatening to creep in and steal the market share of the company. Other risks include vulnerability to changes in economic in its operation base, which may affect the purchasing influence of customers to its products, inflation rates that have been rising consistently affecting its market operation and cost of production. There are also risks of changes in political climate in its market, which may affect its business operations like limitation of quantity of snacks into those regions, and legal changes that may affect some of the legislations associated with its success, or probable addition of more regulations (Daft & Marcic 367). Other concerns arise from the current Europe debt crisis that may have a profound effect on its Europe busin esses, possible changes in laws and regulation that regards beverage bottling, recycling of the bottles, and the packaging material, the company’s capability in managing its brands and business segments properly, and the ultimate goal of maintaining a good corporate image. There is also the issue of environmental conservation, and the probable effects of climate change globally that may affect the company’s raw materials supply. Environmental Statement As a multinational global business, the company relies on natural resources from the earth. In line with expansion strategy of the business in developed and subsequent expansion in developing and other emerging countries, the company strives to use production tolls and methods that are scientifically proven as economically sound and socially responsible to the environment. PEP is committed in its effort to protect earth’s natural resources by innovative use of energy, land, water, and packaging in all its operatio ns. Company stability Being the world’s largest snack food company, and second in producing soft drinks, PEP has established itself as a stable company in the multinationals world. The company has 18 strong brands, whose combined annual sales pass one billion dollars. More than 40% of the company’s sales originate from outside the US. The company maintains

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Security Fraud and Manipulations Using Accounting Policies and Rules Dissertation

Security Fraud and Manipulations Using Accounting Policies and Rules - Dissertation Example More importantly, a wide variety of security fraud and malpractice of accounting policies are employed in the preparation of the financial report accounting of Enron, Madoff scheme, and WorldCom Corporation that lead into their bankruptcy. Nonetheless, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) seeks to deter fraud in financial statements of companies through laws, internal control systems and regulations. More significantly, the commission continuously seeks to detect misstatements, failure of disclosure of accurate financial information in records, documentation, accounting policies and procedures in changes of equity and explanatory notes accompanying every financial period statement of companies. In addition, this paper will look at the adherence to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as stipulated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) remains committed towards global standards. Finally, the pap er looks at various fraudulent situations that could be avoided through adherence to stipulated accounting policies and procedures by management, accountants and auditors as they put shareholders interest first. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express sincere gratitude to my dissertation supervisor, xxx, for his invaluable support. As an area of accounting and auditing practise, I hope you find this paper insightful in the minimization of security fraud and manipulation practices. Tables of Contents 1. Introduction 6 2. Literature Review 7 3. Research Methodology 16 4. Discussion of Findings 18 4.1.0 Nature and treatment Of Security Fraud &manipulation through fraudulent use Of accounting policies and rules 18 4.2.0 Security Fraud and Manipulation in Madoff scheme, Enron & Worldcom Corporation 23 4.3.0 Security Fraud and Manipulation Problems in Madoff Scheme, Enron and Worldcom Corporation 27 4.4.0 Comprehensive Analysis of Parties involved in the carrying out of Security Fraud an d Manipulation 33 4.5.0 Regulation of Security Fraud and Manipulation in Madoff scheme, Enron and WorldCom Corporation 39 5. Conclusions 43 6. Appendix 45 6. References 47 CHAPTER 1.0 INTRODUCTION More than often, fraudulent financial information given in companies financial statement typically takes the form of material misstatements done intentionally by making either the annually or quarterly financial statements fluctuated. In most cases, auditors acknowledge that financial statements are intentionally misstated such that the information provided remains not only misleading, but also inaccurate, such that the presentation of financial reports does not follow the generally accepted accounting practises (GAAP), international auditing standards (IAS) and international financial reporting standards (IFRS). More so, such security fraud and manipulation through the use of fraudulent accounting policies and rules in international corporations like Madoff scheme, WorldCom and Enron led to a huge loss as a result of fraud upon

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fashion and Buying Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Fashion and Buying - Dissertation Example In today’s retail world there are thousands of competitors, and millions of items being pushed at a customer to buy. It is highly likely that a customer will be able to buy an item similar to yours from a competitor. So how do you keep customers loyal? It boils down to making shopping an individualized experience for each customer. Having top customer service, as well as tailoring each shopping experience to each individual shopper will ensure that customers remain loyal for years to come. What exactly is customer service? It is something different for everyone, however we can simply define customer service as putting the customer first, and making shopping as easy and enjoyable for the customer as is possible. Using IT makes it easy to achieve this goal. These are just some ways to improve customer service and individualize the shopping experience online. There are things we can do in its stores as well. Since the goal is to make the customer as happy as possible, the more information you have on a customer, the better. One way to do this is to keep a log in the store’s computer of each item the customer has purchased. This way, sales associates can make suggestions for the customer’s future purchases based on items they already know he or she likes. This will give the customer a feeling that the sales associates really value them, and will increase customer loyalty as well as store revenue. In addition,We could also use these customer logs to send out notices of upcoming sales to customers. Excellent customer service and shopping convenience is not the only way to increase a company's overall revenue. Employee satisfaction plays a big part in a store's success. Studies have shown that happy employees are productive employees. Simple things, such as creating a regular work schedule as opposed to having rotating shifts, can decrease turnover by 50%, thus helping to cultivate more long-term relationships between sales associates and their customers (Smith, 2003). Employees are also happy when they feel they are good at their jobs. An excellent way for Gap to determine whether or not their employees are excelling at their jobs would be to keep track of each item the employee sells. If an employee is assigned to the women's department, however they continuously are making sales of men's clothing, the store manager will see this and can move them to the men's department, where they could potentially be more useful and happier. Not only do happy employees stay with a company longer and are more productive, they also make customers happier (Glanz, 2003). When employees are happy, they create an atmosphere of friendliness and dedication. Shopping in such an atmosphere makes customers happy and relaxed. Only good things can come from this. The new market place is all about customization and personalization. Knowing what each individual customer wants, and knowing how he or she wants it. No longer will product sell to entire segments of the market. With so many competing forces the masses demand personal touches. Automobile companies have 20 different lines of cars and trucks, computers offer

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blaise Pascal and the Theory of Probability - Why it is important and Research Paper

Blaise Pascal and the Theory of Probability - Why it is important and the implications of this contribution - Research Paper Example Throughout history, various theories and principles had been laid down by mathematicians to further strengthen and deepen the study of numbers, space and computations. Numbers have been the characters used in math while letters are usually used in language. The operations and proofs that are done throughout the development in the field of mathematics give way to the modernization and advancement of the human mind. One of the theories that led to the advancement is the Theory of Probability. The Theory of Probability comes from the word probable and the adjective probably. â€Å"Probably† is usually used in casual conversation like: Caesar probably visited Britain. The outbreak of a nuclear war is less probable now than it was 10 or 15 years ago. The likely winner is Miss Florida. The expanding universe theory is probably true. The door is probably locked. (Weatherford, 1982, p. 2) The word probably cannot describe probability in a specific way as adjectives are descriptive wor ds. Once probably is said, it describes an object qualitatively. Probably pertains to qualitative description of frequency. Most people do not use probable in a mathematical sense as that word can also mean â€Å"possible, conceivable, plausible, reasonable and typical,† (Gigerenzer, 2007, p. 95). ... 1). In addition, uncertainty is concerned with the unknown or the insufficient information regarding the present and the future. The degree of uncertainty is linked with risk. Risk is the uncertain result which can be positive or negative. The positive risk is called opportunity while the negative risk is threat (Cretu, Stewart and Berrends, 2011, p. 4). Probability allows people to have calculated assessment of the unknown outcome. The theory can be elaborated in three ways as discussed in the succeeding paragraph. The Theory of Probability can be discussed using a classical method, simple property method and statistical method. Using classical method, the theory provides a standard measure for determining the uncertainties in the occurring events. Classical method can also be called mathematical method as an equation can be used to represent the theory: P (A) = n/N = No. of outcomes favorable to A/No. of outcomes in ? = v (A)/v (?) Where A = the event or subset of interested outcom es n = the number of outcomes ? = the set of all outcomes v (?) = the number of sample points in ? v (A) = the number of points in A (Bhat, 1999, p. 2) Another way of elaborating the Theory of Probability is through the use of simple property method. Additive property of addition is the basic form of probability theory. The following can illustrate the property: P (A?B) = P (A + B) = (m + n)/N = (m/N) = P (A) + P (B) [†¦] Probability function possesses the following properties: (i) P(A) ? 0, (non-negativity); (ii) P(A1 + †¦ + An) = ?n1 P(Ai), (Additivity), (iii) P(?) = 1 (normed) It follows immediately that P (?) = P (A + Ac) = P (A) + P (Ac) = 1, P (Ac) = 1 – P (A) ? 0, and hence 0 ? P (A) ? 1. Since P (?)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ladies & Gentleman Essay Example for Free

Ladies Gentleman Essay The point was about the term â€Å"ladies and gentlemen. † It would be easy to think of upper class women in flashy dresses and extravagant hats and men in tailcoats and top hats when talking about ladies and gentlemen. However, one of my goals when using the terms is to make their definitions much more than mere appearance, if appearance at all. This modernization of the terms helps bring the definition into the current century and throw away the traditional and very close-minded definition. It is for this reason that I believe being a lady or gentleman is based on personality, how a person treats others, I speak for most people who use the term â€Å"ladies and gentlemen† in reference to a person’s conduct, not a person’s class, social standing, race, sexuality. Some, when faced with the terms â€Å"ladies and gentlemen,† will immediately assume the worst by using the outdated definitions. Some will also dig for reasons to label those who use â€Å"ladies and gentlemen†. In labeling us this way, these people do not facilitate any sort of progress for the terms or for any sort of unity for women, or men, ladies or gentleman. We live where we ought to not judge people by the color of their skin, their class, gender, or sexuality, with all of this, there are still groups who refuse to take off their blinders. Ladies and Gentleman, now there is a saying that has been with us for a long time, but what does it really mean and where did it come from? Let’s start with the ladies as we all have been known to do in the century we live in today to always allow ladies to be first. The term ladies could mean many different things to many different cultures so let’s get the one that is primarily recognized by all. There are numerous definitions of a lady and I am sure that we all have varied opinions of what a lady is, but here is a few from the dictionary. â€Å"Chiefly British A general feminine title of nobility and other rank, specifically, Used as the title for the wife or widow of a knight or baronet. Used as a form of address for a marchioness, countess, viscounts, baroness, or baronets’. Used as a form of address for the wife or widow of a baron. Used as a courtesy title for the daughter of a duke, a marquis, or an Earl. Used as a courtesy title for the wife of a younger son of a duke or marquis† (Ladies, n. . ). To discuss gentleman, as in reference to ladies is an entirely different topic but closely related . However to separate them is almost UN heard of in this society we live in today. The writer here feels it of necessity to come up with a definition of what is a gentleman where did this term come from. The definition of what the dictionary states is :, A man of gentle or noble birth or superior social position: Hes too much a gentleman to be a scholar†, Used as a form of address for a group of men (gentleman, n. . ). Now we have a general idea of what a Ladies and a gentleman Are, let’s put them together to get a better understanding of â€Å"Ladies and Gentleman†. To take a look at them individually is one aspect to consider but let’s look at what a well rounded person is first and foremost prior to becoming a Lady or a gentleman. IUomo Universal Literally, â€Å"universal Man† a self reliant, multitalented, freethinking individual â€Å"(Sayre H 2008-2012). From the art work to the poetry of art and even the given philosophy that was all just a cultural part of growing with the ages was known to make Ladies and gentleman and primarily a humanist in all forms of the century. It was certain beliefs and attitudes to help make people what is universally known as well rounded . However the importance from education to cultural practices from philosophy made them who they were and their practice of becoming ladies and gentleman. In a survey conducted I was able to poll ten people and from vary ages and backgrounds. Although they all had varies opinions on what a lady and what a gentleman is. It was a little redundant on what the ladies had to say concerning their definitions, and what the men had in their responses. The simple fact from the ladies side was mostly about the dress of a lady and how they carried themselves in public. However on the men’s side of the scenario it was mostly about them being of a maternal instinct, and mannerisms of a lady one being polite, sincere and genially whole. However when it came to the Gentleman part of this survey it was all about having decent employment and being a good provider, and once again a good father figure. Funny as it seems this was from both the male and the female’s opinion. My age bracket was from one, my son who is twenty one, to my neighbor who is in their sixties. The ladies were a woman in their mid twenties to my mother in her late seventies. Their vocations were that of manufacturing to one of a professional woman a teacher. However it was an interesting fact when I asked these questions to my girl who was brought up well as she calls it blue blood, or if you will high society and her idea’s and experiences being brought up to be a lady. The fact that she was taught to courtesy in her early years and to have proper mannerisms of that type of upbringing to be able to be presented to other able blue blooded men at eighteen for a possible mate to ensure of proper breeding from their bloodline was somewhat a crazy response to my questions on being a lady or a gentleman. Therefore to some things up and to suggest whether or not I agree with Castiglione and his descriptions of a woman and that of a man or should we say a lady and a gentleman? To be or not to be the real question, a woman, lady or man or gentleman. Therefore I will share my opinions on the positives, I see fit and the negatives that I believe could be harmful to ones general character. To be born out of nobility would be an awesome deal but when and where we were born and the freedom of choice in our upbringing is one I am a little half and half on if that makes sense, in other words I do believe it is wonderful to be born with your parents and having them part of your life to help guide you, and to prevent errors in their culture to help make you a well rounded person. However to feel that a judgment is made upon you from whose family you were born into and how you were to dress and what reactions one would have towards you because of your nobility at birth and being told you believe this way or that way I feel is wrong. Therefore to be judgmental of the skin the dress and down to the language and how it is spoken to others and to deem their worthiness by a person’s size is a little farfetched but perhaps in that century the judgment rang true of a person’s actions be it male or female. To be a lady who plucks eyebrows or powders their face, or to be a wanton women to honest men or I believe the proper term here is harlot. Men of good posture and build for fighting wars or one whom is of a cowardice nature, but what of those men who flatly just did not measure up to the standards of a fighter for wars. In our society today we are somewhat powerless of what our physical stature is to become and therefore almost impossible to say what we will become and surely plays an important role in the attitude towards that.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Emerging Issues of Tourism Industry in Netherlands

Emerging Issues of Tourism Industry in Netherlands Emerging Issues of Tourism Industry in Netherlands A. INTRODUCTION Tourism in Netherlands: Tourism is an integral part of Netherlands. Tourism has contributed a lot to the economy of Netherlands. North Holland and South Holland are the famous provinces in Netherlands for Tourism. NTBC which is the â€Å"Netherlands Bureau for tourism and conventions† has taken some initiative to increase the marketing and the promotional strategies to maximize the tourism. Despite the fact that Netherland provides good landscape the adventure tourism has not developed well in Netherland. It is hence a very important thing to clearly know about one’s own policies so Netherland has to focus more on their strengths and their important points to develop their position in the tourism industry. Cultural tourism is not there and it should be developed because cultural heritage is very important in Tourism which can lead to the tourism in Dutch industry but it can only be possible due to the help of the organization which handles the heritage. Other big issue of the tourism industry in Netherland is the use of marijuana which is the drug tourism. It has indeed brought loss in Netherland Tourism industry. Many coffee shop owners offered weed to the foreign tourist and they even fought and said that due to the ban on the weed offering they had a loss in their business (Cecilia, 2013). The Aims and Objective of this research Evaluate manages full event plan. Analyze complexities in event management. Making SWOT analysis in terms of environmental development. Analyze the service quality for event management. Analyze risk management for events. Implement SERVQUAL Model for quality of service in events. Critically Evaluation of Tourism Industry in Netherlands According to the World Economic Forums annual Traveling Tourist Competitiveness Report which was introduced in the Global Tourist Forum (GTF) in Amsterdam; Netherlands and a few additional nations ended up regarded as the best situation which intended for establishing the tourism and also traveling industries. Tourist often performs an important part in the economy of Netherlands and it performs exactly the same part within Europe. Although, it is arranged by the economic problem in Netherlands, due to the global economic recession. Tourists come to Netherlands to its natural beauty, nevertheless using the continuing strike in several areas of Netherlands; that leads to this progress of vacation in Netherlands nowadays (Remington, 2013). Our report has measured the different factors that make it beautiful to make that tourism more beautiful along with the tourism industry of Netherlands, according to Jennifer Blanke, director and Economist with the World Economic Forums Centre for Global Functionality along with Competition (Remington, 2013). The best ranks countries Switzerland, Italy, Belgium along with Austria indicate the importance associated with regulatory frameworks along with support organization, coordinated using world-class tourism along with carrying different facilities, as well as a concentrate on rising natural and human resources for growing a place that may be beautiful to make this tourism along with travel sector. Domestic tourism has been carried on struggle through 2013 while Dutch people continued to be remained concerning their particular financial short-run outlook. This specific negative mind-set intended that consumer would just werent really wanting to guide domestic tours as many recommen ded for you to guide reduced, less prices trips plus some made a decision to not to book any tour (Dwyer, Mellor, Mistilis Mules, 2000). This kind of research with the cross-country with the drivers regarding competition inside travel and leisure as well as traveling offers helpful relative fine detail to create organization decision and to fit way of measuring to be able to governing bodies having to improve his or her travel and leisure as well as traveling environments. The particular search rankings are entirely in connection with the Take a trip Tourist Competition Listing (TTCI) during which practically all around 139 places insured. While in 2013, accommodations in the Holland showed the primary actual signs of significant recovery (Remington, 2013). Through the first couple of quarters of 2013, accommodations nonetheless experienced bad expansion while both household in addition to inward bound tourists ended up tentatively to be able to e-book standard hotel rooms in addition to always been serious typically inside particular specials. In addition, the particular bad buyer sentiment between household vacatio ners recommended in which accommodations continuing to be able to struggle in the first 6 months of the year. Even so, in the second half 2013 there have been constructive signs while the volume of hotel bookings has increased, while it thought this was mainly because of better need between inward bound tourists rather than the domestic tourists (Dwyer, Mellor, Mistilis Mules, 2000). Critically Evaluation of Cultural Tourism in Netherlands When people are free from its routine work, study, Spectating and sleeping individual are to make choice about what an individual like to do in their free time. The tourism services are the only services which are being offering all over the world (Moore, Cushman, Simmons, 1995). Netherlands has been considering the most important tourism region across the world. With the reference of UNWTO in 2006 has stated that around 55 percent of tourists across the world has visited the Netherlands which makes the figures around 475 million. Which means Netherlands has the strongest arms over the urban tourism as because Netherlands has been considered the most beautiful and attractive destination for tourism. Currently, Netherlands has been the biggest tourism spot for tourist in summers. Therefore, coastal and mountains are the segmented and most vulnerable for the change in the environment as Mediterranean has been the most attractive and beautiful or popular region for tourism. According to the stats and it has been shows that the Netherlands has been the most popular spot for visitors and tourists which attracts around more than 120 million visitors each year which are the world’s largest international flow for tourists around the world. Which also resulted in big business growth, every year the economy has been inflate due to the hue growth in tourism industry which inject around 100 billion Euro’s in their economy with this tourism. Although a lot of research possess pointed out that one ethnicities are visible using firms, there are just couple of research completed about eco-tourism parts along with little has been completed to be able to evaluate exactly how these kinds of ethnicities possess affected the particular efficiency of such tourism industries (Schein, 1990). Conceptualizing organizational culture as the ideals along with methods used in a corporation along with contemplating tourist achievement since intangible efficiency we conducted the survey of tourist location staff situated in the tourist spot According to (Simmons, 1995) urban tourism has been one of the world largest industries which are growing significantly. An arrival of international tourism worldwide has been grown to 35%. According to one research Europe (Netherlands) has been the bigger funds generator outbound international tourism. According to one research conducted recently, according to researcher in richer countries working hours is steadily decreasing and amount of leisure timings increasing and this trend would remain continue and many people would looking forward to leisure activities. According to WTO report it has been stated that due to this activities there has been a great chance that impacted world economy in recent years and implications of tourism is been taking place (Moore, Cushman, Simmons, 1995). The purpose of Leisure and tourism industries is to provide their applicants a pleasant experience. Customer’s expectations are getting higher in what they want from leisure and tourism service provided companies (Moore, Cushman, Simmons, 1995). Making decision about how to build up leisure and tourism facilities which needs to consider not only effective and successful ways of completing needs and wants of an individual’s but also but impact of new development may have on the local and community and environment (John Tribe, 2011). Societal Tourism Travel and leisure has contributed an excellent total this financial and also interpersonal well-being of the country. Urban Travel/Tourism and leisure incorporates a specific relevance within Travel and leisure which reports a widely recognized and also thriving because contemporary days. Because urban centers are widening and also rapid urbanization has been going on with regard to recent many years, for that reason, its increased traveler actions. This specific is among the elements which bring about on the extension associated with elegant tourism in the world. By and large, Downtown Travel and leisure has been examined on the financial standpoint and also earnings in the Traveler marketplace has been this center point of those unfortunate. However, this researchers and also professionals in the field have commenced observing this on the other viewpoints also. Problem in Urban Cultural Tourism The challenge regarding areas as well as heritage has always been to offer a special, particular, as well as participatory tourist knowledge that may provide with it work as well as economic improvement regarding investment decision inside numerous endeavors. The challenge will be additionally difficult by the call to sustain the type with the group and its particular national sources, offer you a genuine knowledge, and respect the particular cultural as well as national standard of living with the host group even while guaranteeing the particular durability as well as authenticity with the tourist product. The actual supervision has been associated with the history which has been usually seen as a complex method which in turn had to match several storage and also professional demands. The actual advantages has been associated with travel concerns within just history learning resource management and has produced the procedure more stressful, which has a brand-new group, occasionally, inconsistent forces. Although historical sites and also residential areas search for and also pleasant visitors, in addition, they have to endure lots of the adverse impacts associated with travel task. This issue associated with Push provides a watch into the exercise and also difficulties associated with cultural tourism in Netherlands. Most of these difficulties reflect, now and again, what is taking place in the rest on the globe. Dutch resources for history learning managers and also residential areas nonetheless possess lots to find out about travel and also how the biggest industry on this planet may benefit the actual supervision method. Health and Safety Issue The particular customer need to be familiar with standard health and safety law which addresses the protection associated with buyers and also personnel in pleasurable and also tourist establishments. The particular customer will likely need to focus on precisely how employees and also site visitors are usually covered by means of all of the using Acts/Regulations (or while amended), Activity Centre’s (Young Persons’ Safety) Act, 1995 Children Act, 2004 Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 Fire Precautions Act, 1971 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, 2002. The actual choice for candidate to have an understanding of, and be able to implement familiarity with, safe practices in several doing the job circumstances, like, for example, any preparing food setting. The actual choice will have to recognize possible dangers and also how they may be was able securely within these kind of doing the job circumstances. Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion As it has been mentioned in above review that tourism can affect country’s economy and with the help of this we can generate more funds which plays bigger role in the economy According to the survey which was conducted by WTO and according to it, following are the few stats which showing facts of different countries earnings. According to reports Europe is the most generator of funds from outbound international tourism, stats are as follows, America generated 22% of expenditure, followed by Asia Pacific 21%, and in the end Africa and Middle East 3%. How people choose leisure time activities according to what expectations and needs and wants does service providers companies taking that fact into their notice as satisfying customers is the essential part of making business in right path. How consumer select their required destination and, on the basis of what preferences. Every customer has its own preferences and service provider companies take good care of this by offering them good and nice packages which would fulfill its customer needs and wants. As it is mentioned earlier that services of leisure and tourism companies cannot go through without their customers. Successful companies offering services of leisure and tourism must assure that their customers are satisfied with their services offering. Service provider companies must need to satisfy their customers in order to increase their good will. Recommendation The irresistible human being want to travel, explore, along with gain completely new experiences will certainly underpin reliable worldwide expansion throughout travel along with vacation, despite completely new carbon along with aviation fees. Globalization will carry on and push business owners for you to giving up household lifestyle for travel, despite expansion connected with teleworking along with digital teams. Small business vacation will mature on a yearly basis in the future 20-30 years, power by means of expansion within growing market segments, though vacation inside the EU along with the US will fairly static. Dutch federation interior as well as worldwide traveling by plane will likely mature easily. Parts of Europe will symbolize over 47% on the worldwide economic climate within Acquiring Electric power Parity by means of 2015. Reference Arcodia, C., Reid, S. (2005, January). Event management associations and the provision of services. InJournal of Convention Event Tourism(Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 5-25). Taylor Francis Group. Eckerstein, A. (2003). Evaluation of Event Marketing.rapport nr.: Masters Thesis, (2002). Kose, H., Argan, M. T., Argan, M. (2011). Special event management and event marketing: A case study of TKBL all-star 2011 in Turkey.Journal of Management and Marketing Research,8, 1-9 O’Neil, M. A., Getz, D., Carlsen, J. (1999). Evaluation of service quality at events: The 1998 Coca-cola Master Surfin g Event at Margaret River, Western Autralia.Managing Service Quality,9(3), 155-166.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Ghost in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE English Literature Cou

The Ghost in Hamlet      Ã‚   In Hamlet Shakespeare has designed a supernatural, ethereal character who lacks a physical existence, and yet who is a participating character in the drama. It is the Ghost, the subject of this essay.    Marchette Chute in â€Å"The Story Told in Hamlet† describes the ghost’s activity prior to the opening scene of Shakespeare’s tragedy:    The story opens in the cold and dark of a winter night in Denmark, while the guard is being changed on the battlements of the royal castle of Elsinore. For two nights in succession, just as the bell strikes the hour of one, a ghost has appeared on the battlements, a figure dressed in complete armor and with a face like that of the dead king of Denmark, Hamlet’s father. A young man named Horatio, who is a school friend of Hamlet, has been told of the apparition and cannot believe it, and one of the officers has brought him there in the night so that he can see it for himself. The hour comes, and the ghost walks. The awed Horatio tries to speak to it but it stalks away, leaving the three men to wonder why the buried king has come back to haunt the land. [. . .] Whatever the message is that has wakened the ghost, it refuses to share it with them. (35)    As Chute indicates, the Ghost makes his appearance even before the play has opened. In the beginning scene of Hamlet, Marcellus, Barnardo and Horatio see the Ghost and trifle with it in an effort to prompt it to communicate with them. Horatio and Marcellus exit the ramparts of Elsinore intending to enlist the aid of Hamlet, who is dejected by the â€Å"o’erhasty marriage† to Hamlet I’s wife less than two month’s after the funeral of Hamlet’s father (Gordon 128). There is a post-coronation social gatheri... ... Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Rosenberg, Marvin. â€Å"Laertes: An Impulsive but Earnest Young Aristocrat.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: Univ. of Delaware Press, 1992.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Civil war Essay -- essays research papers

Causes & Results of the Civil War The Civil War, in U.S. history, was a conflict that pitted the Northern states of the American Union against the Southern states. The war raged for 4 years (1861-65) and was marked by some of the fiercest military campaigns of modern history. Large armies were involved in large movements, and entire populations were engaged in supporting the war efforts of both sides. The war had international impact, not only because of the growing international stature of the United States, but also because war threatened world access to the South's cotton. Britain and France had particular interest in the war's outcome, but other nations were also affected by it. The chief and immediate cause of the war was slavery. Southern states, including the 11 states that formed the Confederacy, depended on slavery to support their economy. Southerners used slave labor to produce crops, especially cotton. Although slavery was illegal in the Northern states, only a small proportion of Northerners actively opposed it. The main debate between the North and the South on the eve of the war was whether slavery should be permitted in the Western territories recently acquired during the Mexican War (1846-1848), including New Mexico, part of California, and Utah. Opponents of slavery were concerned about its expansion, in part because they did not want to compete against slave labor. By 1860, the North and the South had developed into two very different regions. Divergent social, economic, and political points of view, dating from colonial times, gradually drove the two sections farther and farther apart. Each tried to impose its point of view on the country as a whole. Although compromises had kept the Union together for many years, in 1860 the situation was explosive. The election of Abraham Lincoln as president was viewed by the South as a threat to slavery and ignited the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second of the three S’s that caused the civil war was sectionalism. During the first half of the 19th century, economic differences between the regions increased. By 1860 cotton was the chief crop of the South, and it represented 57 percent of all U.S. exports. The profitability of cotton, known as King Cotton, completed the South’s dependence on the plantation system and its essential component, slavery. The North was by then firmly establi... debates. As the 19th century closed, they faced a rigidly segregated life in the South and hostility across most of the North. Despite the destruction, the war did settle the question of secession. Since 1861 no state has seriously considered withdrawing from the Union. In addition, the war brought slavery to an end. After the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation, there was widespread acceptance of the fact that Union victory would mean general emancipation. Since the proclamation was a war measure that might be held unconstitutional after the war, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery, was passed by both houses of Congress early in 1865. It was ratified by three-fourths of the states and was formally proclaimed in effect on December 18, 1865.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The war also set the South back at least a generation in industry and agriculture. The invading armies devastated factories and farms. The labor system fell into chaos. Not until the 20th century did the South recover fully from the economic effects of the war. In contrast, the North forged ahead with the building of a modern industrial state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Timeless Struggle in Brokeback Mountain Essay -- Brokeback Mountain

Author Isaac Asimov once wrote,† Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right.† This saying came to mind while reading both Montana 1948 and Brokeback Mountain. The authors, Larry Watson (Montana 1948) and Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain) both write stories with the internal conflict of man vs. himself. In Montana 1948 Larry Watson’s main characters the Hayden family cope with a situation of sexual abuse that forces them to search for their moral base and choose between right and wrong. Each member of the family begins at a different in their moral expedition, but eventually end up with the same internal resolution. Similarly, in Annie Proulx’s Brokeback Mountain, the author sketches a picture of two men who live in a constant struggle with their ideas of morality. Rationalizing and avoidance exist as Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar’s main internal defense mechanisms. Proulx presents a devastating study of Jack and Ennis’ su bsequent struggle with both their families and their work as they try to come to terms with their sexual relationship. To begin in this examination of the moral code of the American West, we turn to the relationships and struggles brought about in Larry Watson’s novel Montana 1948. In this novel, there exists conflicts between several of the characters, however; the main conflict lies within the characters themselves. The reader sees the Hayden family struggle with the realization that the town doctor, their relative, has been molesting young Indian girls. This situation forces Wes Hayden, the town’s sheriff and the doctor’s only brother, to choose his actions towards this ethical dilemma carefully. He deliberates on his situation throughout most of the novel, relying on his wife’s set-in-stone morals to guide his decision in some ways. Through this interaction, the reader sees that some people who were not brought up with a strong moral code must develop one for themselves, while others who were taught their morals at an early age may alter them to fit their own perspecti ves as they grow. Also, noted very plainly, the moral code of the American West did not exist as equal to today’s code. The characters in this novel existed in what they believed to be a moral society, but by today’s standards it was amoral, devoid of moral standards. Watson brings this idea to life when he writes through the narrator’s voice,... ... that their homosexuality was immoral. Thus we see two novels whose characters deal with an internal struggle. Both the characters in Montana 1948 and those in Brokeback Mountain struggle with their set of morals in situations that can change their lives forever. In Montana 1948 Wes Hayden faces a situation that may estrange his family or estrange himself from his moral base. He eventually chooses to be true to himself, in arresting his only brother for molestation and murder. However, in Brokeback Mountain the cowboys, Jack and Ennis, must hide their relationship because of its immoral content. Thus, they live a life hiding from their true feelings. At some times they even trying to deny their nature. Because of the threat of being ostracized and possible killed, these men led a life separate from their love for one another. Though, in the end their prejudice, along with every one else’s killed Jack. Ennis knows this and the only place that they have left is Brokeback Mountain, a place untouched by the world, unab le to be soiled with prejudices. Work Cited Proulx, Annie. â€Å"Brokeback Mountain.† Close Range: Wyoming Stories. New York: Scribner, 1999. 251-82. Print.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Case Study- Culinarian Cookware

1. Describe consumer behavior in the cookware market. How is cookware bought? How is it sold? What are the implications for Culinarian’s marketing strategy? Cookwre was bought either by piece or in a boxed set. Below are two graphs about how cookware is bought and sold. How is cookware bought: How is cookware sold: Implications: * There is a big potential in mass merchandise outlet, which has not been explored yet. * Enhance cooperative relationships with department store, because this is a very important sector with a large share in both purchasing and selling. Direct sales doesn’t have a large share (only 5%), and the percentage that people buy through this channel is almost zero, so we need to consider if direct sales is necessary. * A large share of cookware is sold in 75 local specialty stores (27%), and we need to reduce the sales of this channel. * Target customers should be women from 30-55 with household income over $75,000. 2. What are Culinarian’s stre ngths and weaknesses? Why has the company been successful? Strengths| Weakness| Strategy| Advertising|Very clear four strategic priorities| A fraction of Competitors| Product| Promotion| Unparalleled product quality| Lack of consistent and meaningful price discount events | Advanced performance technology| | Leader in metallurgy technology | | First manufacturer to provide the benefits of copper cookware with effortless and maintenance. | | Sales and Distribution | Market share| Very strong relationships with retailers| Low compared to other competitors (6. 5%)| Eight experienced account managers| | The success of Culinarian lies in the following aspects:Above all, the company has very clear four strategies priorities. Furthermore, good execution is very important. Strategies play like a guideline, and all marketing and sales activities are launched under this guideline. Then, the company did a good job on preserving its brand image with unparalleled product quality and advanced tec hnology. Building strong relationships with retailers is another factor. The company offers a higher margin to retailer than other competitors, which stimulates the retailer to push the sales.Finally, Culinarian is quite clear about their target customers, who have high-income, so their advertising is very effective that they focus on magazines and newspapers targeted at high income audience. 3. Was the 2004 promotion profitable? Calculate the profitability using Brown’s logic and then calculate profitability using the consultant’s model. How would you calculate profitability? My conclusion is the 2004 promotion was profitable. Using Brown’s logic Actual units = 184987 Forecast units = 59871 Variable costs = 38. 4 Incremental contribution impact = (62. 4-38. 64)*184987-(72-38. 64)* 59871 = 2397995 Using consultant’s model Actual units = 129386 Forecast units = 119504 Variable costs = 52. 05 Incremental contribution impact = 10. 35*129386-19. 95*119504-993 32+39540 = -1104752 My method Conclusion: the promotion is profitable Promotion period March to May Variable cost Both overhead cost and advertising cost should not be included in the variable cost, so my variable cost should be 38. 64-(52. 05*7%)= 35 Forecast unitsI use consultant’s figure by the computer-generated model, which is 119504 Actual units Actual orders from March to May in 2004, which equals 184987 (47191+89423+48373) (62. 4-35)*184987-(72-35)*119504=646995 4. Should Culinarian run a 2007 price promotion? If so, what should be the specifics of such a promotion (e. g. , product scope, discount rate, timing, communicate) Culinarian should run a 2007 promotion. First of all, in 2006, Culnarian’s CEO established four strategies for the company. The 2007 price promotion would be a very good implementation of the strategy.Moreover, 2005 telephone survey shows that unaided brand awareness for Culinarian are 15% with household income under $75000 and 25% with hous ehold income over $75000 ( this figure is lower than its competitor Le Gourmand and Robusto). Finally, the cookware market in U. S. had been increasing year on year, so had been Culinarian’s products, so there must be a great potential on sales growth. Details of the promotion Product Scope They should run promotion on product DX1 and CX1. First, SX1 and PROX1 are for advanced and professional chefs, so they are very high-end with smaller shares of the revenue.Then, DX1 and CX1 take a lion share of the total revenue. Finally, discount on DX1 and CX1 would not affect brand image as they are relatively low-end products with low price and technology. Timing They should choose April, May and June as spring sales and October, November and December as winter sales. May and June are weddings seasons, while November and December are Christmas time. According to the survey, 55% of the respondents received or purchased cookware as a gift. So I suggest there should be two price promotio ns in spring and winter. Communications:Commercial advertisement on cook channels (39% watch television cooking shows and 18% purchase cookware seen on television cooking shows) Direct support to retail stores such as displays and sales staff (30% stated that they would be drawn to stores with attractive displays, and 25% preferred a full- service store) Enhance channel communication with mass merchandise outlet (32% of respondents bought cookware in mass merchandise outlet) Traditional channels, including TV, radio, newspapers and cook magazines. (10% said they might respond to TV, radio, magazine, or newspaper advertising) Discount rate :20%

After the Ratification of the Declaration of Independence Essay

After the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, establishing the â€Å"united colonies† as Free and Independent States, the Continental Congress set to work on the task of drawing up a document that would provide a legal framework for that Union, and which would be enforceable as the law of the new land. The Articles were written during the early part of the American Revolution by a committee of the Second Continental Congress of the now independent thirteen sovereign states. The head of the committee, John Dickinson, who had refused to sign he Declaration of Independence, nevertheless adhering to the will of the majority of the members of the Continental Congress, presented a report on the proposed articles to the Congress on July 12, 1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Dickinson initially proposed a strong central government, with control over the western lands, equal representation for the states, and the power to levy taxes. Because of their experience with Great Britain, the 13 states feared a powerful central government. Consequently, they changed Dickinson’s proposed articles rastically before they sent them to all the states for ratification in November 1777. The Continental Congress had been careful to give the states as much independence as possible. The Articles deliberately established a confederation of sovereign states, carefully specifying the limited functions of the federal government. Despite these precautions, several years passed before all the states ratified the articles. The delay resulted from preoccupation with the revolution and from disagreements among the states. These disagreements included quarrels over boundary lines, conflicting ecisions by state courts, differing tariff laws, and trade restrictions between states. The small states wanted equal representation with the large states in Congress, and the large states were afraid they would have to pay an excessive amount of money to support the federal government. In addition, the states disagreed over control of the western territories. The states with no frontier borders wanted the government to control the sale of these territories so that all the states profited. On the other hand, the states bordering the frontier wanted to control as much land as they could. Eventually the states agreed to give control of all western lands to the federal government, paving the way for final ratification of the articles on March 1, 1781, Just seven and a half months before the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his British Army at Yorktown, October 19, 1781, the victory ended fighting in the War of Independence and virtually assured success to the American cause. Almost the entire war for five long years had been prosecuted by the members of the Second Continental Congress as representatives of a loose federation of states with no resources and reputations. Under the Articles, on paper, the Congress had power to regulate foreign affairs, war, and the postal service and to appoint military officers, control Indian affairs, borrow money, determine the value of coin, and issue bills of credit. In reality, however, the Articles gave the Congress no power to enforce its requests to the states for money or troops, and by the end of 1786 governmental effectiveness had broken down. Nevertheless, some solid accomplishments had been achieved: certain state claims to western lands were settled, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the undamental pattern of evolving government in the territories north of the Ohio River. Equally important, the Confederation provided the new nation with instructive experience in self-government under a written document. In revealing their own weaknesses, the Articles paved the way for the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and the present form of U. S. government. The Articles were in force from March 1, 1781, to March 4, 1789, when the present Constitution of the United States went into effect. During those years the 13 states were struggling to achieve their independent status, and the Articles of Confederation stood them in good stead in the process and exercise of learning self- government. The articles created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government. The national government would consist of a single house of Congress, where each state would have one vote. Congress had the power to set up a postal department, to estimate the costs of the government and request donations from the states, to raise armed forces, and to control the development of the western territories. With the consent of nine of the thirteen states, Congress ould also coin, borrow, or appropriate money as well as declare war and enter into treaties and alliances with foreign nations. There was no independent executive and no veto of legislation. Judicial proceedings in each state were to be honored by all other states. The federal government had no judicial branch, and the only Judicial authority Congress had was the power to arbitrate disputes between states. Congress was denied the power to levy taxes; the new federal government was financed by donations from the states based on the value of each state’s lands. Any amendment to the articles required the unanimous approval of all 13 states. In attempting to limit the power of the central government, the Second Continental Congress created one without sufficient power to govern effectively, which led to serious national and international problems. The greatest weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation was its inability to regulate trade and levy taxes. Sometimes the states refused to give the government the money it interstate commerce. The government could not pay off the debts it had incurred uring the revolution, including paying soldiers who had fought in the war and citizens who had provided supplies to the cause. Congress could not pass needed measures because they lacked the nine-state majority required to become laws. The states largely ignored Congress, which was powerless to enforce cooperation, and it was therefore unable to carry out its duties. After the Colonial victory in the Revolutionary War, it became obvious to the Founding Fathers that the original attempt would not be equal to the task of providing the equitable law which they sought. Congress could not force the states to adhere to the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 ending the American Revolution, which was humiliating to the new government, especially when some states started their own negotiations with foreign countries. In addition, the new nation was unable to defend its borders from British and Spanish encroachment because it could not pay for an army when the states would not contribute the necessary funds. Leaders like Alexander Hamilton of New York and James Madison of Virginia criticized the limits placed on the central government, and General George Washington is said o have complained that the federation was â€Å"little more than a shadow without substance. On February 21, 1787, Congress called for a Constitutional Convention to be held in May to revise the articles. Between May and September, the convention wrote the present Constitution for the United States, which retained some of the features of the Articles of Confederation but gave considerably more power to the federal government. The new Constitution provided for executive and Judicial branches of government, lacking in the Articles, and allowed the government to tax its citizens.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Different History by Sujata Bhatt Notes Essay

The poet explores the relationship between cultural identity and language. When you speak a language you also learn its culture. Lines 19 and 20 sum up the theme. Which language has not been the oppressor’s tongue? When another country is the conquerer, that country brings its language and culture to those who are conquered. SUMMARY ‘A Different History’ is in two linked parts: lines 1-18, then lines 19-29. The first stanza draws the link between western and Indian culture as Pan, the Greek god also exists through Indian gods and goddesses that roam freely. She points out the difference as well in the way Indians treat books with much respect, in order not to disturb or offend Sarasvati or the tree from which the paper comes. Stanza 2 returns to the idea of a foreign language; all languages, it says, have once been the language of an invader or an oppressor, but despite this there always comes a time when younger and newer generations not only speak the oppressor’s language but they actually come to love it. TONE (Tone means the attitude of the poet) At first the tone is critical of the culture of the west (e.g. the way the west does not show respect for books). Later the tone is accepting. She says that once people have assimilated the new culture, the later generations love the language and culture. STRUCTURE The poem is divided into two stanzas with each dealing with a different idea on language and culture. The visual arrangement of lines differ in the two stanzas. In stanza 1, the different indented lines give a wavy appearance to suggest perhaps the idea of gods roaming freely and to match the humour in the stanza. The second stanza has all the lines indented similarly as the author conveys the serious message that all languages are imposed by the oppressor. RHYTHM The rhythm matches the content. The enjambment (run-on lines) in stanza 1 gives a light-hearted, tripping rhythm. In stanza 2, the rhythm is insistent as the poet uses rhetorical questions and the mood turns serious. IMAGERY POINT: Stanza 1 begins by comparing the Greek and Indian gods. Next the poem focuses on the reverential attitude towards books in India. QUOTE| EFFECT| Great Pan is not dead;he simply emigrated To India| Meaning- Pan the Greek god of nature also exists in India. The effect is that cross-cultural links happen. | Here, the gods roam freely Disguised as snakes or monkeys | The poet refers to Indian gods in the form of snakes or monkeys. | And it is a sinto be rude to a book(repeated 4 times) | By repeating ‘it is a sin’ the effect is of persuasion and emphasis. Repetition in a pattern of three or more is a persuasive device. She uses strong words ‘shove’, ‘slam’, ‘toss’ to stress that ill-treating books is sinful to the Indians because they have a reverence for knowledge.| You must learn how to turn the pages gentlywithout disturbing Sarasvati, without offending the treefrom whose wood the paper was made| The word ‘without’ is repeated for emphasis. In India, books are handled carefully ‘gently’ to show respect for Sarasvati, the Hindu goddess of Knowledge, and for the trees where the gods are. | *Pan- In Greek religion and mythology, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, mountains, hunting Sarasvati – the Hindu goddess of Knowledge presides over the arts and is frequently worshipped in libraries. POINT: Stanza 2 the poet states that every while every language has come from the conquering nations and is at first resisted, it is later embraced by the future generations. QUOTE| EFFECT| Which language has not been the oppressor’s tongue?| This rhetorical question ( a question that does not need an answer because the answer is  obvious) contains the main idea of the poem – all languages have once been the language of an invader or an oppressor. | Which language Truly meant to murder someone?| The repetition ‘which language’ is another rhetorical question which does not need an answer as it is obvious that language does not intentionally kill people.| that after the torture, after the soul has been croppedwith a long scythe swooping out of the conqueror’s face-| The poet now explains that it is the soul or the culture that is destroyed by the conqueror. The metaphor of the ‘long scythe swooping out’ is an image of the brutal destruction of the culture of the oppressed and replacing it with the culture of the conqueror. | the unborn grandchildrengrow to love that strange language| The poet concedes that ironically over many generations, the oppressed people come round to speaking the conqueror’s language and what is more to embracing its culture. She points out the irony of history.|

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A New Look At Personal Identity Essay

A new look at personal identity Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In his article, â€Å"A New Look at Personal Identity,† Michael Allen Fox, argues his opinion on the feisty historic debate about physical and psychological continuity views on personal identity (Fox, 2007). Hebrings in his view of the â€Å"self-developed by existential philosophy† as what makes a person. He does not invalidate the original views but says that the issue of what makes a person remains a task for philosophers to investigate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fox wants to handle the often tricky dilemma of personal identity that has been tackled by philosophers since time immemorial. He identifies some questions to solve; â€Å"Who am I?† and â€Å"Might I be a very different person in the future?† He begins by stating that according to most responses, the conclusion boils down to either the soul or the body. He says that one cannot find ‘you’ or ‘I’in the soul, but it is easy to associate it with something tangible like the body. He goes on to state the grounds for the belief of the first group; that we are souls and that we do not change. He counters it by introducing the belief that for something to exist it is imperative for to be able to locate in space and time. He then introduces the philosophers’ dominant stance on the subject that the soul is non-existent (Hamilton, 1995).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seeking to find out whether the philosophers are right, Fox looks at history and resolves that people either believe in physical or psychological continuity as what makes a person. He says that according to the former, someone never changes as they have had the same body since their birth. To support the argument, he recounts an ancient enigma called ‘The Ship of Theseus.’ He states that Theseus was the king and that gradually his whole ship’sparts got replacement so that no part of it remained as the first. He further says that this is the philosophers’ basis of their argument; that incremental replacement occurs on the gut, the epidermis, red blood cells, bone and muscles. He also introduces organ transplant to strengthen on their claim. He goes on to say that the cerebral and visual cortex never regenerate and concludes that the most important parts of us do not change in relation to the subject at hand. He al so introduces the concept of the DNA as another hurdle to the physical approach. He explains that as unique as the DNA is, it does not form part of all our body; only ten percent of the body DNA resides in our cells. He questions why philosophers have not ventured to use DNA as one of thebase of individual continuity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The decision point comes when Fox discredits the latter approach as ancient and introduces the view of the â€Å"self-developed by existential philosophy† as an alternative. He argues that â€Å"a self or person is what it does,† an activity, what he or she does daily, by their means of choices and actions. He calls it the ‘continuity of responsible action’(Fox, 2007). He concludes by saying the matter is one that remains one for philosophy to investigate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article tries to elucidate on the subject of what makes a person. However, Fox was unable to give a rigid conclusion and left the matter open to discussion. Although he elucidated on physical continuity, I think that he should not have discredited psychological continuity; additional explanation should have been made to let the reader decide for themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Is the author’s view the best alternative among the three?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Should philosophers continue their research on physical continuity? References Hamilton, A. (1995). A new look at personal identity. The Philosophical Quarterly, 332-349. Fox, M. A. (2007). A new look at personal identity. Philosophy Now, 62, 10-11. Source document

Friday, September 13, 2019

CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

CONTRACT MANAGEMENT - Essay Example For instance, during the post period of World War II, various political agreements were formulated and implemented with the intention of reducing or eliminating trade barriers amid nations. In this respect, General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) was recognized to be the most effective trade policy for the US towards increased trade opportunities in the global periphery (US Department of State, 1999). It was also in this period that development of technology became quite apparent and swerving as it was perceived to minimize the distance among countries as well as reduce geographical constraints; thus, facilitating better trade in the international context (Schmidt, 2001). The progress in telecommunication technologies also facilitated with better communication opportunities for better exchange of goods and information amid countries. The advancement of technology was also identified to improve the transportation services between countries for effective conveyance of goods throu gh international trade. ... Moreover, the discussion will also emphasize on the impact the changes in trade and technology have on contract management even in the current era. Changes in Trade and Technology after the World War II which are affecting US Corporations In the post World War II period, it was observed that trade agreements have been formulated by policymakers with the intention of minimizing or eliminating trade barriers amid countries. Apparently, there was rapid development in trade activities and technology since the post period of World War II. Since then, the US has been committed towards the achievement of free trade opportunities with the objective of developing its economic stability and political growth. The open trade activities were further expected to facilitate the country in developing its economy as well as building healthy relationship amid nations. It was also observed in this context that the US was more concerned about trade liberalization with the aim of conducting trade activit ies with minimized barriers among countries. In order to acquire a liberalized trade policy, the US further formulated GATT with the intention of reducing trade barriers which was signed by 23 countries in the year 1948. The ‘Free Trade Agreement’ also initiated after World War II, i.e. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) again facilitated the US corporations to perform their business operations in worldwide market segments with minimized trade restrictions. As a consequence, the rapid expansion of international trade activities increased market competition among corporate sectors of the US minimizing the inflation pressure for protecting the domestic

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Should breastfeeding moms show nipples to the public Essay

Should breastfeeding moms show nipples to the public - Essay Example Beyer Monica successfully brought ought the argument concerning displaying nipples to the public by women during breastfeeding. Using the picture, Monica emotionally connects the readers to the woman and the baby breastfeeding in the picture. The picture gives an idea situation of a woman breastfeeding and exposing her nipple to the public. Monica emotionally connects the reader to the article through involving the actual picture of the scenario. Most of the readers connected to the article because of the picture. Most readers connected the readings and picture of the article to the normal setting in the society. Most people have seen women exposing nipples to the public during breastfeeding. therefore, connecting the actual events in the society and the article created an emotional connection between the reader and Monica, the writer to the article. Beyer Monica argument concerning exposing the nipple to the public during breastfeeding successfully became viral via the internet because of the use of reasoning and logic in persuading the reader. The reader was able to read the article and understand why women ought not to expose the nipple to the public during breastfeeding. Monica logically discusses the aspect of women exposing nipples to the public. Beyer involves to the views of other women that have experienced such incidents before to provide views concerning the argument. The ideas provided by other women in the article assists the reader in making logical reasoning concerning the nipple exposure to the public during breastfeeding.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Developing Leadership Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Developing Leadership Skills - Essay Example For this assignment, I observed my friend Carl who is a soccer captain and Jenny who is the head pharmacist at my local drug store. On this day, Carl had fallen out with his teammate Mark and it had escalated to a physical fight. Tensions had been brewing between the two because Mark had consistently challenged the captain’s decisions in front of his teammates. Mark is a very talented and hardworking player but has a high temper and is generally stubborn. He could have actually made captain but his mean tempered streak and sense of individualism stood in the way. Carl is also a talented player and a team player but is generally passive aggressive. He barely shows any emotion and has generally ignored Mark’s negative comments and public jabs to avoid fueling his anger. However, Carl had resulted to benching Mark during practice when the coach was not around to alienate him, decision that Mark had not taken kindly after missing out on several practice sessions. Constant a rguments had a cold war had gone on between the two till Mark finally confronted Carl and a fight ensued. The two now sat before the coach pleading their case and explaining what happened. Carl argued that Mark had constantly disrespected him and did not heed the advice of his peers during practice. Therefore he had been forced to make him sit out during practice and work with teammates who followed his lead. Mark on the other hand argued that he did not mean to be disrespectful and was only trying to have his voice heard. Being a good player and an avid reader on how to improve the way they played was only trying to get the captain to incorporate a few plays during practice. Carl interpreted this as a threat to his authority and hit back by alienating him from the team. Mark kept insisting that even though he has a short temper and sometimes speaks his mind in an assertive manner, he did not mean to fuel a feud between him and the captain. Carl appeared insecure about his abilities as a leader and did not act objectively. As a leader, he had identified that there was a problem based on how Mark behaved towards him. However, he did not deal with it effectively. Alienating him only fueled a feud between them and drove the team to take sides making it harder to work as a team. They had never evened out their differences and sat to talk about how they felt about each other. Luckily, this was an avenue to settle old scores and agree to work together as a team. Carl accepted that as the captain he could have stimulated participation and teamwork and allowed Mark to try some plays. Accepting Mark’s suggestions was not a threat to his authority. Carl used the paternalism leadership approach where anyone appearing question his authority was punished by being forced to sit out, a leadership style which drew the team apart and let to a physical fight. Jenny is the head pharmacist at the largest local retail pharmacy and has been lauded for her management and lead ership skills over the years. As the head of the largest pharmacy she has earned respect and is considered a mentor and role model among professional women. However, it has not always been an easy task as pharmacists can easily fall prey to the lure of money due to conflict of interest. On this day jenny sat before the owners of the pharmacy after a decision she had made to change drug suppliers from Hadleys pharmaceuticals to Clavam pharmaceuticals led to a crisis. The suppliers enjoyed a cordial relationship with the store owners and had been supplying drugs to the store since its inception. Jenny had recently signed a new contract with a different drug supplier and the old suppliers had reached out to the store owners to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Adult Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Adult Communication - Essay Example In the United Kingdom if one to ask for a rubber, the individual would receive an erasure made of rubber. Across the Atlantic in the United States of America, if one were to ask for a rubber, the individual would receive a rubber condom. Exchange of the same information has produced different results. Hence for a better understanding of what communication stands for it needs to be defined as the process of managing messages with the intention of creating meaning. Having understood the more realistic meaning of communication, communication competence has more to it then just the ability to exchange information clearly with another individual using a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour. There is an element of a goal in communication, which is sharing of meaning and this has a connection with the thoughts and feelings of another individual. The acceptance that communication is goal driven also suggests that communication is strategic. This understanding of communication provides us with the means for abetter understanding of communication competence, as now it suggests that communication competence is not just communicating with accuracy, clarity, comprehensibility, coherence, expertise, effectiveness and appropriately. Communication competence is better expressed as the situational ability to set attainable and appropriate goals for achievement and to maximise the achievement of these goals through employing strategies of the knowledg e of self, others, context, and the elements of communication theory to bring about adaptive communication performances. As communication competence involves competence there is a need for measurement. Communication competence can be measured through the determination of whether the goals of interaction have been achieved and the extent to which they have been achieved. This in my view is the meaning of communication competence (Rueben, 1976). Teams are made up a small number of individuals different in